Digital Agency: Embrace Change, Build Windmill
15 January 2018
By limenotlemon
Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is a disaster.
-Elon Musk
Digital Migration
As the disruption era start rolling, we identify ourselves as a modern people with smart gadget and technologies. These technologies and science help us better live whether we want to lift our social life, economy, education, even politics, and bureaucracy.
We are not using the old PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), now we spend our life with Siri from Apple or Google Assistant that runs on the Android platform. They help us to make a new way of thinking. Let’s see in the educational world. The education platform now wants to develop a new kind of human resource. They provide subjects to be enrolled by the students. Since the era of technologies started, they want digital people to make a new web design and development program, apps developer, big data science, digital marketing, machine learning, etc.
Also, we do implement our developed science and technology for any business platform. When we see our life in the back of the 90s, we just run our business in any physical store. Sometimes we also build a small stand to make some profit. As the old business model said, ‘4P’, we also do that marketing strategy stands for Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. But as the innovation we shared with the citizen of the world, the old business models are living in the museum for now.
All things are changing. Homo Sapiens are developing business models. Lots of business models. In 2018, we only needed to sit in our home, laptops or smartphones, and a great internet connection. Or maybe, if you want to socialize and make a new network, many companies deliver a working space to do some meetings or just a place to work with friends and partners.
This new kind of citizen is migrating to a new platform. Developing a new way of both thinking and working. Disruptive innovation appears and disrupting the old business. Even the huge companies don’t have a chance. Digital migration is surely a huge storm. And now we are living in it.
When the storm comes, most build walls while others build windmills.
-Chinese Proverb
Introducing Digital Agency
The digital agency is a business organization that delivers marketing services, creative and technical development to its clients. People that work in digital agencies are innovating a new kind of windmill that will turn down the old business models. I will give you an example after this topic about their products. But for now, I will explain what, why, and how they are working.
Q: “What are they working on?”
I think this question is answered in the first sentence of the first paragraph, generally. A digital agency is a group of people that provide you digital products. As you know, they are developing a website, apps for Apple or Android, managing them, and sometimes promoting the products to a specific market.
Q: “Why?”
As I explained before, digital migration is rolling on. Whether you want it or not, we are already inside it. Perhaps if you live in a deep Amazon forest and don’t even what the internet is, you won’t read this article. But if you live in a big city and realize that huge changes are around you, a digital agency is the part of that change.
Back in the history of humanity, people always have to change and innovate since the discovery of fire, wheels, mechanical engineering, the industrial revolution, and now the digital era. The digital agency provides the market the easiest way to make a new kind of business. As I said, they develop the windmills to use the storm’s power to make new energy that will light up our living.
Q: “Hm, but how they work?”
Generally, since the market is the source of their product, markets or clients called clients to come to their agency and share their ideas. Sometimes they don’t know what they want to achieve, so they tell whatever they got inside their mind. It’s okay since not everyone is creative enough to start a business, even in this digital era.
After all, ideas are brainstormed, the agency starts to boil up some well-made concepts from the ideas. Sometimes, the clients want to take the role, but not everyone wants to get their hands dirty. People with lots of money trust their ideas. It seems like a new way of investment.
The concepts are done. They use HTML, CSS, and CSS stuffs to make a website (if the product is a website). Development takes time. Because it needs to run some programming code, and one single punctuation could ruin the entire program. So it has to be handled carefully.
As the website ready, the agency still needs to add the products to the website. Put some extension inside it. Checking bugs and other steps of improvement. The designer also makes some marketing strategies to introduce the website to targeted people. Also, they have to check and get any feedback and manage it to make a better website. All the works they did are to make the clients happy and make a long-term relationship.
This is a simple example for you. I can explain it more if you want. But it is not the time yet. Let’s take a look at what kind of products that the agency provided.
Products of Digital Agency
As far as I know, there are plenty of products of digital agency: the website, application, videos, digital banner, and email marketing, and many more. Search Engine Optimization, PPC (Pay-Per-Click), is also their expertise. But of course, it depends on what digital agency that you pick.
Every digital agency has its own expertise. And that’s the reason why every agency has different products. Even if the products are the same type, their approaches to making the products are also different. Therefore, it’s better to know them first before you pick and use one of them.
In my next article, I want to deeply and comprehensively explain web agency. A digital agency that specializes in designing, developing, and managing websites. They develop your ideas and goals to a concept, planning, strategy, tactics, well-made portfolio, and handle all those with heart. From the post above, we already a little bit of it. But if you want to know more, see you in the next article.