Financial Technology: Upgrade Payment Method

Financial Technology: Upgrade Payment Method


18 September 2018

By limenotlemon

Lately, Indonesia is developing more technology in the financial field. Both government and startup have come up with some ideas to create a mobile app and internet-based facility to increase the population of financial technology user. The government of Indonesia also uses an e-toll card to pay the toll gateway. For now, the government of Indonesia wants people to be more digital and useless real cash in everyday life transaction. And the startup also provide a different approach to make it happen.

Real-time Process

Financial technology gives a freedom for anyone who wants to trade money digitally. Even if you are riding a taxi, now you can scan the QR code and pay it automatically. I think almost all financial technology companies have shared the same dream to decrease the conventional method in payment and make the society cashless. Well, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any money, but you shift your money into data and use it with your mobile phone.

Investment or Wallet

Financial Technology Upgrade Payment Method
There are several options for financial technology. It doesn’t have to be an e-wallet all the time. You can also create an investment platform for people who want to be a first-time investor. There is another platform too, like a credit payment platform that could help people who want to purchase something quickly but doesn’t have any cash. You can provide them with a specific platform or even combine all of those as one platform. It depends on your resources and will to make a difference.

LimeCommerce Fintech Specialties

QR Code Scanning Feature

Financial Technology Upgrade Payment Method
We also have a hand-coded feature that uses QR code and camera scanner. In fact, you can transfer your money or receive a payment by using a QR Code system. For example, if you want to receive a transfer, you can generate the QR code and the sender will need to scan the QR code. After that, simply click send and the money will be transferred automatically.

Data Protection

Privacy should be protected by a strong barrier. Especially if we are talking about money. If someone stole your identity and use your money as you, it would be a real problem to deal with. Therefore, to make sure hacking won’t happen on your financial technology, whether it’s website or mobile app, you can rely on us and let us do the technical auditing regularly.


Our system also provides a detailed transaction history for transparency. Both you and your mobile app or website users could see and analyze everything in the history. Whether it’s still a pending transaction, successful transaction or canceled the transaction, all there to serve you a better, faster transaction process.

Following Regulation

In Indonesia, we have OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) or Financial Services Authority that has the right to audit all money flow in Indonesia. We won’t do the work if the OJK doesn’t authorize your company. Let’s have a fair and legal business that could lead us to a long-term client-agency relationship. We prefer to create a happy, yet long-lasting relationship with you. Therefore, the regulations about financial technology should be followed obediently.

Future Implementation

Wearable Device

I think we rarely found a financial technology that uses a wearable device as its media. If you ever watch a movie called In Time, you can use your time as money. And if you are rich, you can live almost forever. In that movie, the society trades their time with some kind of indicator that implanted in their hand. It shows how much time you have and you can face it to the scanner if you want to purchase something.
Financial Technology Upgrade Payment Method
In the real world, we already have our mobile phone for a digital transaction. But if we can make use of the wearable device for the transaction, it would be impressive and you will get more attention from it. Since the company uses a mobile app in the mobile phone for it. You can be the first to implement it.

Another Scanning Method

For the future upgrade, we also want to improve our skill in developing a secure transaction by using more expert identification like a fingerprint scan or retinal scan. Your money will be safe and no one can use it except you share your retinal or fingerprint identity to the hacker.

Final Thought

So, are you ready to start your journey in financial technology? If you are eager enough to reach your goals and want a partner to support your technical problems, then you can simply drop us a line. LimeCommerce experts will be by your side and provide a full support with efficient and transparent workflow. Let’s start the journey together!

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