




Arsitag Website


Arsitag is a home-improvement directory to connect a property customer with experts such as architects, interior designers, contractors, and other professionals. The homeowner will have a lot of options to choose from this application and they can pick preferred experts with transparent reports. On the other hand, the professional will be able to manage their project, send invoice, and make reports based on the real construction. Arsipro is the name of our client’s mobile app. Whether you are building a new home or renovate your current home, ArsiPro is a good company to manage your home project. To create an excellent experience, as we discussed with our client, we accept the challenge and make this app into 6 steps.

Arsitag Website Mobile


The first one is doing a consultation with the Arsitag team. We build a chat system for the app and the homeowner can discuss how they want to build their new home or make a renovation for the current home. On the Arsitag side, the team will also chat with the professional. From that discussion, the app will generate some recommendations for the homeowner and they can pick one of them based on their budget and schedule. After the homeowner picks the best recommendation and professional, the app will generate the invoice automatically. Before the project starts, the invoice should be paid first. The app will give the notification when the payment has been received and the project will begin right away.
The fourth step will be tracking your project. The professional will give you updates regarding your house and you can track the progress from the app. Doors, windows, floor, furniture, and other tasks will be included in the report. If you want more assistance, the Arsitag team could offer the homeowner a specific audit for every project. An additional payment will be added automatically on the app. The homeowner will get the notification. And the final step is finishing the project. After all tasks are completed, you will also get a notification, the payment will be sent to the professional, and Arsitag will close the project on the application. All steps are made by our system. Including the reporting system and payment methods. Arsitag is satisfied with our work and now their business is growing. It’s just a matter of time to build your own application and work with us.

Arsitag Website Mobile

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