
Manage Your Store Together

When you just start your business and you still can count the numbers of your customers by fingers, you may still be able to take care of everything by yourself. However, when your business has started to grow rapidly, that’s when you start to recruiting people to help you. Magento gives you the freedom to open your store access for every staff you have.

Different Access for Different Staff

There are three different basic “roles” for your store. First, the role of “admin”, who can freely access any available data in the store. Second, the role of “sales staff”, which can only access sales data without any power to change product’s price. Lastly, the role of “data entry” staff, who is responsible for input product, product image, and price.

Create Your Own Custom Role

If you have a unique business concept and different staff needs, don’t worry! Besides those three roles mentioned before, you also can create your own custom role, to match your business operational unique needs.

Data Safety is Guaranteed

All staffs will get their own username and password, so they can’t freely log in with other people accounts and get access to data that is not their responsibilities. It will help strengthen your online store security.


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